A collection of the late physicist Stephen Hawkings possessions are going up for sale by Christie’s.
Turkey will ‘go into detail’ over Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s killing
Turkey’sPresident Recep Tayyip Erdogan says he will use a speech to parliament to reveal details about the killing of Saudi Jamal Khashoggi.
Russian officials warn of ‘full chaos’ if Trump pulls out of nuclear arms treaty
Former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev said, “Washington’s desire to turn back politics cannot be supported.”
‘You can’t even walk, there’s just so many people’: Migrant caravan bound for US swells despite Trump threats
A caravan of Central American migrants marching into Mexico bound for the United Statesgrew to more than 5,000 people Sunday despite threats from President Donald Trump to use the military to seal the border.
No more marijuana? Canadian pot ‘craze’ creates shortages days after sales begin
Days after recreational marijuana became legal in Canada, our neighbors to the north may already be running out.
Woman is inches away from croc’s face
British-born Sarah Richards came face-to-face with a crocodile during a scuba trip to Mexico in July.
Jamal Khashoggi’s editor says Saudi story is a ‘coverup,’ not an explanation
Karen Attiah also rejected the notion that Jamal Khashoggi, whom she described as “kind and calm and gentle,” would have been involved in a brawl.
Trump cites ‘deception … and lies’ but still defends Saudi prince over Jamal Khashoggi’s death
President Donald Trump accused the Saudis of lying about the death of journalistJamal Khashoggi but defended Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.
‘There’s no turning back’: Migrant caravan stuck on Mexico border vows not to be deterred
Central American migrants on a desperate trek toreach the U.S. remained stuck on Mexico’s southern border, but many remained undaunted.
The explanation in Jamal Khashoggi’s death raised questions. Here’s what we don’t know
The admission Friday by Saudi Arabia that Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi was killed in its consulate seemed to leave more questions.