Northern California firefighters say a fast-moving wildfire destroyed a couple of thousand structures. The 27,000 residents of Paradise, California were told to evacuate as the blaze burned through more than 28 square miles. (Nov. 9)
Chula Vista Breaking News & Events
Northern California firefighters say a fast-moving wildfire destroyed a couple of thousand structures. The 27,000 residents of Paradise, California were told to evacuate as the blaze burned through more than 28 square miles. (Nov. 9)
Thousands of migrants will be on foot on Friday morning after failing to secure buses to get them to the U.S. southern border from Mexico City.
Citizens, recent immigrants come together to share a meal in hopes of putting a human face on political fears.
A Dutch man is suing his local government in the Netherlands, after they refused to change his actual age to the age he identifies with. Veuer’s Mercer Morrison has the story.
Google used to ask some tough interview questions. Buzz60’s Keri Lumm shares some of these questions and their answers.
A sheriff says 13 people are dead, including a sheriff’s sergeant and the gunman, after a shooting inside a crowded Southern California bar late Wednesday. (Nov. 8)
An ESA satellite’s data shows Antarctica was once linked to India and Australia before supercontinent Gondwana separated 200 million years ago.
Spokesman for the Kremlin sees ‘no bright prospecdts’ for better bilateral ties after U.S. prepares new economic restriction on Russia following the poisoning of a Russian spy.
A chunk of the polar vortex is forecast to slide over the central and eastern U.S. over the next few days, marking its first unwelcome visit of the season.
The biggest skate ever caught was recently reeled in off the coast of Northern Ireland. Buzz60’s Tony Spitz has the details.