Former Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi lost her credibility for refusing to stop the brutal persecution of the Rohingya people in Myanmar.
Researchers think they’ve found what sadness looks like in the brain
Researchers found what sadness in the brain looks like. Elizabeth Keatinge has more.
This is how to avoid temper tantrums while flying
Flying with children can be a daunting task, but we are here to help! Keri Lumm shares some tips for a easier flight.
You should be allowed to come to work at noon if your body’s clock say
Sleep expert Dr. Paul Kelley says what you’ve been saying for years. Buzz60’s Tony Spitz has the details.
Ways to up your workplace meeting game
Workplace meetings have a bad reputation for being overly long, boring and even unproductive. Buzz60’s Angeli Kakade has the story.
Report: Saudis discussed killing other enemies long before Khashoggi’s death
Saudi leaders had discussed assassinating enemies long before a journalist was killed at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, The New York Times reports.
How to stay fit and healthy during the holidays
‘Tis the season for overindulging in fancy dinners, cocktails at the office, holiday parties, and lots of pies. How will we fit into our jeans by the end of it all?! Susana Victoria Perez has the solution.
Holiday getaways that are actually affordable
Flying somewhere fun for the holidays doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Nathan Rousseau Smith has the details.
USS Ronald Reagan warplane crashes in second incident in a month
It was the second crash involving USS Ronald Reagan in less than a month – in mid-October, a MH-60 Seahawk helicopter crashed shortly after takeoff, injuring a dozen sailors.
What other nations do when security threats are everywhere
The California nightclub mass shooting is only the latest high-profile attack. It raisesquestions about how other countries confront domestic terror.