Interpol is facing a pivotal – some say possibly fatal – moment in its history as members decide whether to hand its presidency to a man who represents Vladimir Putin’s Russia.
Doomed ‘pinwheel’ star system to explode in spectacular gamma-ray blast, study says
Astronomers have found a unique “pinwheel” star system in our own galaxy, one that will eventually diein a massive explosion the likes of which have never seen before.
Dead whale washed ashore with 13 pounds of plastic in its stomach
A dead sperm whale that washed ashore in eastern Indonesia had nearly 6 kilograms (about 13 pounds) of plastic waste in its stomach, park officials say.
Statement from President Donald J. Trump on Saudi Arabia, Khashoggi murder
The White House on Tuesday released President Donald Trump’s statement on Saudi Arabia and the murder of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
‘Maybe he did and maybe he didn’t!’ Trump says US will stand by Saudis despite Khashoggi murder
Trump said it could very well be that the Crown Prince had knowledge of Jamal Khashoggi’s murder. ‘Maybe he did and maybe he didn’t!’
Prehistoric ‘Swiss Army knife’ discovered in China
Forget clubs. Real ‘cave men’ actually used complex tools as far back as 170,000 years ago, a new study said.
Travel times to avoid this Thanksgiving
If you’re looking to avoid getting stuck in traffic in the days surrounding Thanksgiving, there are certain hours and dates you should avoid according to Google Trends. Susana Victoria Perez has more.
‘Traitor, you will be brought to account!’: Parts of Khashoggi tape revealed
Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi is heard yelling at his attackers and is called a traitor in recordings, a Turkish newspaper reported Tuesday.
Teen auctions virginity to help pay her parents’ mortgage
An 18 year-old Australian woman has started a website to auction off her virginity in order to pay for college, a car and pay off her parents’ mortgage. Buzz60’s Mercer Morrison has the story.
Ivanka Trump used personal email for White House business
Throughout the 2016 Presidential campaign, President Trump called out Hillary Clinton for using her private email for official White House business.Now White House Advisor Ivanka Trump reportedly might be doing the same thing.