Your annual Social Security benefit payout could be substantially higher if you meet just one condition: Wait to retire.
Author: Sean Williams, The Motley Fool
Your Social Security check won’t cover rent in these 8 states
If you’re going to be leaning on Social Security income when you retire, living in the Midwest, where cost of living is lower, is a better option.
5 groups of people who will never receive Social Security benefits
Social Security is not an entitlement. Being an American citizen doesn’t guarantee you’ll qualify for these protections or a retired worker benefit.
The rich keep getting richer, and that’s not a good thing for Social Security
Growing income inequality in the U.S. is probably something you’re familiar with, and it could be a huge problem for Social Security.
Why taxation of Social Security benefits puts program between a rock and a hard place
This taxation of Social Security benefits may be a sore spot among retirees, but it’s not going anywhere anytime soon.
Here’s how much interest income Congress owes Social Security over the next decade
Over the next decade, the Social Security program will pocket an estimated $804.4 billion in interest income from the federal government.
Is Social Security ballooning the federal deficit?
Does Social Security cause the federal deficit to increase? It’s time to answer this question once and for all.
Why the Social Security program will never run out of cash
The question folks are asking about Social Security, given its many problems, is when, exactly, will it run out of cash? The honest answer: Never.
6 signs we’re closer to the next recession than you think
Despite a strong U.S. economy and a low unemployment rate, trouble could be right around the corner. Here are the signs to watch out for.