If you really want to save money on that next vacation you are going to have to do much more than finding a cheap hotel and plane ticket.
Author: Buzz60, Buzz60
Explained: Why we celebrate with Easter baskets
Easter baskets are an indelible part of the holiday, but aside from giving us a sugar high, what’s their significance? Nathan Rousseau Smith gives us a history lesson.
Barbra Streisand criticized for her comments about Michael Jackson documentary
Barbra Streisand is facing criticism for her eyebrow-raising take on the Michael Jackson HBO documentary “Leaving Neverland,” saying she has a “combination of feelings.” Nathan Rousseau Smith has the story.
Texas man brings his steer to Petco to test ‘all leashed pets welcome’ policy
There’s the saying “Everything’s bigger in Texas” and that seems to include pets! Buzz60’s Mercer Morrison has the story.
Take a virtual tour of the center of the Milky Way
If you ever wanted to see what the Milky Way looks like from the perspective of the giant black hole at the center of it? Well now you can.
Shaking aspen leaves could extend life of future Mars rovers
Tech on Mars apparently needs some help from Mother Nature. Scientists are using aspen leaf motion as inspiration for a backup power source for rovers.
Dog takes care of orphaned infant horse
A dog in Alabama has become the watchful protector of an orphaned infant horse. Buzz60’s Mercer Morrison has the story.
Figure skater Mariah Bell accused of intentionally slashing Lim Eun Soo’s leg with skate
A South Korean sports agency is claiming that American figure skater Mariah Bell intentionally injured its client, Lim Eun Soo, with a skate blade.
A mysterious seismic event that shook Earth may have just been solved
Remember those mysterious seismic waves that were picked up around the world last November? Scientists may have finally figure out what caused it.
Lottery jackpot winners face heavy tax burden
If you win the lotto, you may give some of your enormous loot to close family and friends but you’ll also have to fork some over to the IRS. Buzz60’s Mercer Morrison has the story