This may looks like a plain old wooden chair but would you believe it if I told you it’s worth tens of thousands of dollars. Buzz60’s Mercer Morrison has the story.
Author: Buzz60, Buzz60
Uber Boat is a real thing being used to beat traffic
When traffic’s really bad, sometimes you wish you could just pull a James Bond and bypass it all. And Uber’s kind of letting you live your 007 fantasy, just with a regular speed boat, not one that started out as a car.
Scientists recreate ancient shark’s jaw to solve its big mysteries
The strange jaws of an ancient shark have long puzzled scientists who could figure out how its strange teeth worked… until now.
Climate change will alter the color of half our oceans, study finds
By the end of the century, MIT researchers say tiny algae called phytoplankton will change the color of the world’s oceans thanks to rising temps.
Alien metal from dino-killing asteroid could be key to cancer cure
It wasn’t great for the survival of dinosaurs, but the rare iridium delivered to us by an asteroid millions of years ago could be the key to curing cancer. Buzz60’s Tony Spitz has the details.
Elon Musk gives us sneak peak at first firing of new Raptor engine
SpaceX CEO, Elon Musk, gave us a first look at the company’s Starship Raptor flight engine.
Saturn’s moon Titan may be cooking up organic compounds in its core
Saturn’s moon Titan has been an area of intrigue for scientists as a place that could actually support life.
Stressed about time? Stop thinking you’ll have more next week
Think you’ll have more time to get things done next week? Think again – and drop. Facebook. Buzz60’s Holly Morgan has more.
Millennials’ drinking habits are boosting tequila and whiskey sales
Millennials’ drinking habits are boosting the sales of hard liquor, as more drinkers in the U.S. switch from beer and wine to spirits. Veuer’s Sam Berman has the full story.
The ‘most-liked’ Instagram egg could be worth millions!
The story of the little egg that took over social media isn’t over yet! Buzz60’s Mercer Morrison has the story.