These famous professionals don’t spend any time figuring out what to wear in the morning for work. They have created their own uniform. Keri Lumm reports.
Author: Buzz60, Buzz60
Tiny T. Rex relative dubbed the ‘Harbinger of Doom’ discovered in Utah
Scientists have discovered a mini ancestor of the of T. rex in modern day Utah.
Giant rainforest lizard found wandering London park
Park-goers found more than they expected, coming across a giant lizard whilst on a walk through a London park. Buzz60’s Tony Spitz has the details.
Why do zebras have stripes? Scientists dress up horses to find out
New research shows why you might want to dress like a zebra if you’re around biting flies. Buzz60’s Sean Dowling has more.
Breakdancing proposed as new Olympic sport for Paris 2024 games
Paris organizers have put forward recommendations for four new Olympic sports in 2024. Veuer’s Tony Spitz has the details.
‘Hattie the Fattie’ shed nearly half her doggie body weight
This hefty-hound in the UK is looking to shed nearly half her body weight after she was re-homed. Buzz60’s Mercer Morrison has the story.
Rare one-in-30 million golden lobster caught
This rare crustacean probably won’t be making it into a pot of boiling water. Buzz60’s Tony Spitz has the details.
Australia to roll out emojis on license plates
Let your license plate do the talking for you. Buzz60’s Sean Dowling has more.
Vandals paint #MeToo on iconic World War II kissing sailor statue
A Florida statute portraying an iconic moment at the end of World War II was vandalized by a person spray painting hashtag #metoo on it. Buzz60’s Mercer Morrison has the story.
Police seize tractor that was drag-racing motorcycles
When you think drag racing, you probably think of something out of the Fast & Furious movies but would you ever consider racing farm equipment? Buzz60’s Mercer Morrison has the story.